Stupor Comix [2]

ONCE AGAIN, I AM REPRISING some of my older ideas and re-interpreting with a Digital Color Upgrade in an attempt to strike new material.

This 'Superhero' idea for the BOOMER characters  was done by me yonks ago, in the early days of this site, when all the imagery was simple pencil and ink upon paper: so, here we see what I can come up with along these lines today.....


                          --------I tend to deliberately avoid this sort of thing---lots of Superhero Comics feature stunning modern graphics, but for me the basic idea of 'super-powers' is just so over-familiar and comminplace it just doesn't really mean anything any more, and so--outside of a dream sequence---the BOOMER crowd most resolutely possess NO special powers of any kind, which is why you see B.B. himself here, with flying-ability possible only through his home-made rotor-device he has strapped to himself, ensuring more charm injected into the scenario.

BATMAN to me is fine, because he possesses no super-ability and has to rely on his more down-to-Earth fitness and advanced gadgetry, and this is the route my concept will be sticking to, on the odd occassion when BOOMER delves into Super-hero=pastiche  territory.

On top of all that, this is also yet another excuse for me to work on  more 'sexy-babe' imagery:



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