FLIES need Tickles [Two]

A fairly striking close-up mode image of the tiny fly-man getting some fingertip stimulation: it is fairly early days as regards this tiny character---I do not even have an official name for him as yet---------but clearly there is great potential in this approach, as is evident here---I have to develop more close-up scenarios like this one.

INSPIRATIONS:    yes, this image springs soley from my warped imagination, but as I myself maintain, very little is 'truly original' in the Cartooning Field.

The young Scientist Woman HELLEYNE is perhaps modeled after a character seen in DANDYS' Cuddles and Dimples--a strip I admired greatly, especially in the early two-pagers, published from late 1986/ early 1987 ---the artist on this, Barrie Appleby, was really good at drawing young women, and there is a definite inspiration regarding the facial features as depicted here. I can never remember if it was Cuddles or Dimples' mum who was the blonde one. 

 The quaint goggles seen in most imagery of Helleyne are perhaps inspired by TANK GIRL: however, the original 1958 FLY film makes great use of scientific goggles in the early teleportation shots, and that is why I have used them in this concept:  the version I use look more like modern swimming goggles...despite the FLY strip being set in the late 1950s.

So, surely  the tiny FLY-Man is 'wholly original', then? Well, he is a rare sight in fantasy imagery, but the look of his laughing face as seen here is clearly modeled after the style of ROBERT NIXON, easily one of the very best UK funnies comics artists as I was growing up--------that 'beaming sense of wonder' he imbued in many of his character personality drawings is what I have tried to convey here. To further confirm that much of comics fantasy imagery is mostly a case of 'building on what has been done before' , Nixon himself was clearly inspired by the beaming-smile faces of earlier artist on JINGLES and FUNNY WONDER, the exceptionally talented Roy Wilson, who certainly seems to have inspired him, at least in the facial expressions department.



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