
Showing posts from July, 2016

In Production [6]

HERE I HAVE ADDED the second sheet of artwork for my 'ice-cream' mini-strip; that is almost all of the character stuff/props complete on this one:  I just have to drop in the simple background plates. Although as revealed last posting I am not too sure of the copyright aspects as regards THE FLY, my adaptation of a King Kong-like character as seen here should be sound------he is just used as a supporting character, similar to adding in a stock vampire, or a Frankensteins' Monster-type 'also-ran' character------more on this later. New strip stuff is well under way for further inclusion on here. is it just me, or is that a wee bit of subversion I subconciously added to the double-cornet ice-cream? ENJOI! Rab-erto

In Production [5]

I HAVE DECIDED TO RE-USE one of my earlier ideas, originally written for THE FLY concept-------I wrote the sodding idea, so I can use it here if I desire, that's the beauty of creating everything on your own, from scratch! Here though, it is adapted into the 'daily strip' BOOMER format, stretching the idea over three frames, allowing for more 'personality' play. [ allegedly]  REGARDING THE FLY: ----Although I have turned out little finished cartoonery on the FLY theme of late, I sure have not lost confidence or interest in it...however, I am not convinced there would not be copyright claims from 2OTH CENTURY-FOX who own the rights to the FLY films, which obviously inspire the cartoons I put forward of this creation. It takes a lot of time working on an entire concept, and so  perhaps in order to avoid spending a lot of time on material which might get blocked by a big film studio on copyright grounds,  I need to  alter the mix and add another new character to the FL...

Badd Eggs [10]

The EGGS theme offers up endless possibilities: Follow the Badd Eggs on their new facebook page

In Production [4]

AN ICE-CREAM-themed outing for the characters, part two  on this one.coming up fairly soon. So far, so good........ PLATE TWO:    ----an improved composite with a more accomplished-looking new cows' head, and also B.B. himself has been shrunken down into a more 'credible'-looking scale. This approach most certainly yields more glossy/better-looking results, however the bad news is that all the computer malarkey takes a lot longer to assemble. The proof of the pudding in these ones will be when I see the finished , assembled strips------more of these on the way, about two dozen of deze sukkaz.

In Production [3]

AROUND 20  of these character sheets were roughed in by me a few weeks ago [in May 2016] over a couple of days, and  looking back through them with a fresh eye, they all look good enough to render in properly. This one also needs a couple of word balloons, which will be added to the mix later. The shark character is just an incidental diversion for a one-off appearence. A good few more of these on the ways, including the finished versions of all strips. Most of these are all-new ideas not seen in the original 600 plus strips. RAB

Badd Eggs [9]

MORE MERCILESS LAMPOONING of po-faced, easily-offended Industry Insiders.* * ALL-EGG-EDLY Follow the Badd Eggs on their new facebook page

In Production [2]

MANY OF THE UPCOMING CARTOON STUFF will be  made up of composite- material intended for finished, polished strips: the main difference in this new stuff is that they are no longer assembled as 'real-sized' strips like we done in the analog days...........these new strips are being put together as from seperate elements. Here's the bulk of a darts-themed outing, which will not make proper sense until I add a word or two. near the bottom you can see how I abandoned a comic face in favor of a 'better' version, seen top right. The finished item of this one later. Robbo

Salvaged Material [4]

ALSO JUST RECENTLY TURNED UP ON MY HARD-DRIVE: This was a quick cartoon I done for a cartoon chat-forum in early 2015: this example is remarkable inasmuch as it was one of my first-ever 'composite' experiments---you can 'see the joins' in this fairly basic attempt. The subjectmatter is grim and macabre by my standards: this is probably the inevitable result of a lowering of overall standards, as reflected on that particular forum. I usually avoid this sort of grisly stuff when left to my own this case, I was trying to fit in with some of the 'sicker' humor  I associated with that particular site. A Technical Note: the top illustration represents the higher resolution I often work to, which is better for 'zooming into' to get a proper look at the cartoon details. This is the approach I usually employ on my own site here, but originally, the cartoon was shown at a paltry 1000 pixel wide format, [the bottom version of the cartoon, seen below] ...

Salvaged Material [3]

MORE CARTOON IMAGERY I previously believed lost after my previous computer 'crashed'. These are elements of a custom vehicle design I done in late 2014:

P.R.A.T.S. of the C.C.B.C. [4]

I APOLOGIZE for the sheer roughness of this drawing: it was deliberately drawn very quickly, as I have other more polished stuff to continue with---but this is fine for putting over a basic idea. Ain't especially planning to spend a lot of time on these more satirical drawings, though:  and even in these quick ones, I try to put in my own characters as well. Even if they are just looking in on the odd events.......... Sometimes,even really fast drawings like this have a 'sort of' value, though: rough sketches are almost always full of life and vitality, which is often lost in the 'cleanup' stage. The sketch featured below is a work of fantasy and should be treated as such. Anyone confusing this with reality needs their head examining........but you never know........... Ratings are up again after a recent dip [I lost my internet access for about 3 weeks, meaning primitive tablet images only for a few posts. no much wonder it went quiet!] so thanks to everyone for tu...

In Production

I HAVE RECENTLY RETURNED to putting together all-new strips featuring my characters: the first strips [over 600 daily examples  exist] were drawn using ink on card---however in recent times I have taken up more 'modern' approaches of assembling artwork. The original comics were extremely small, only 4 inches high-----and this had to include any lettering and sound effects as well! It is certainly possible to draw at this tiny scale, but clearly there are a lot of limitations using such a cramped outlook. My eyesight is still good enough to draw at such minute scale, however it is much more fun---and a lot less intense--------drawing the characters especially to a larger scale, and examples of this can be seen for the first time here. These characters will be shrunken down into separate backgrounds which is my new method of attaining more polished results. More on this later:  you can probably work out the [as yet unfinished] gag I am assembling here:

Archive-ology [2]

MORE cartoon cavortings I got published at D C Thomsons' when I was still quite young: these random frames date from around early 1987. My artwork was often pretty aggressive around this period: I think it's relatively accomplished in bits, though. The usual style of comics artwork of the time was the 'zippier', looser approach which I never especially took to------ I myself partly blamed it for the 'death knell' of most of the UK comics funnies scene: there were other factors as well, of course. I was more inspired by the older style of the 50s-early 70s period,  which was often more detailed. Today, I could not be bothered doing hyper-detailed drawings like takes too long. The original  artwork was 6 inches wide by eight deep per page. I tend to draw a bit larger scale these days [it was very intense drawing 'small' like this all the time, but this was my choice then]. The story to this one was suggested by Editor Ian Gray who often let m...

Getting to Grips [2]

TODAY'S OFFERING is yet another variation on the 'ass-grabbing' theme I have been adding in on here lately: this one is a bit of reverse-sexism, dontcha know...... Sorry to lower the tone a wee bit, but really this is suggestion, rather than blatant, full-on  sexism.

Badd Eggs [8]

FURTHER PROOF---if it were ever needed---that just ONE simple theme can instigate seemingly endless thematic imagery in the cartoonists' arsenal: yes, even  the humble EGG can provide a wide range of comic potential, ranging from subtle pantomime to more overtly 'shock' imagery like this baby seen here. I have to tread carefully doing a sketch like this: my BOOMER cast of characters are intended to be kept 'commercial' and so I can't have them gloating or looking devious at the plight of the unfortunate egg-being depicted below:   I have BB and JB looking somewhat bewildered at the bleak scenario they have just discovered........maybe a 'lesser' artist would have had them reveling in the carnage. Anyway, a pretty bleak drawing...but typical of  the power us mere cartoonists can  sometimes wield----visually---if we so desire.* The egg character is based on no-one of any note or repute Roberto * you're veering towards Megalomania, here, Smith: CURB IT!...

Badd Eggs [7]

HOLY ROCKETIZED PILLAR-BOXES, ROBIN! I HAVE BEEN watching a fair bit of 'vintage' BATMAN on Blu-ray disk, and my absolute fave is the 1992 sequel with the grotesque Penguin and kinkily sensual and fetishistic  Catwoman: the story is not up to much, --and the dialog is even worse---but visually this is superior stuff in my view, especially in hyper-impressive hi-def. The newer Batman films by Christopher  Nolan are OK, but are a bit more Earth-bound in comparison, and  I prefer the more wholly-rounded fantasy of the earlier epics personally. I am pretty sure that the bizarre visuals of that  1992 motion picture has influenced my drawing seen here: although the odd EGG character looks very much inspired by the flamboyant style of 1960s UK comics from the   D C Thomson and Odhams stable: THE BADD EGGS are currently being screened on an international  online cartoon outlet before a wider audience......response yet to be gauged Follow the Badd Eggs on their...

Getting to Grips

ANOTHER VARIATION on one of my fairly recent drawings. No, I sure ain't running out of ideas----but sometimes you just look at a drawing and notice how it could have been approached differently. Not neccessarilly better...... just differently! Anyway: not a great lot of my cartoons are based on real-life experiences............ but THIS ONE is! The story 'behind' this one remains a private memory to me and someone else-----just too much information [already]. ROBBO