
Showing posts from May, 2016

New Directions

Hiya Readers: sorry I have been totally off-line for a week:  last week I got a brand new desktop but to be honest I have  in recent times been so 'scunnered' with computers in general that I seriously considered packing in the internet altogether:  I had no sound in my computer for 9 months, and some sites were practically un-view-able. I stopped watching TV [100 per cent]   in 2003 [13 years ago at the time of writing] and I have never missed it so I am sure I could do the same with the internet...I am also one of the miniscule 7 per cent of the population who has never owned a mobile phone. However, the good news is I have my  computer sound back at last, I obviously have a brand new hard-drive and this new computer I have is more modern and advanced and therefore speedier---so if it continues in this healthier vein, I may well stick with the internet...any more annoying problems and I will more than likely pack it all  in permanently, though. The w...

Poisonality (2)

These two New York Residents appear to be evolving into a sort of double-act: I am picking up a brand new desktop tomorrow so after I reconnect everything I should be back onto Gimp and scanning cartoons etc...........fingers crossed but these tablet pix will suffice .on here for the meantime. Yes I am fully aware that the new drawings are a non stop barrage of quick-time sketches at the moment....however these rudimentary roughs are basically where you learn about drawing..........meefinx. UPDATE,        4 JUNE, 2016: NEW UPGRADED SCAN IMAGE ADDED

The Badd Eggs

The Badd Eggs is a basic continuation of my Prats of the CCBC sub-series which will be cropping up on here occassionally. This new direction is essentially the same as PRATS or my earlier MR MEN satirical pastiche series: the only real difference with these new ones is that the Boomer crowd also feature opposite the satirical targets. UPDATE, 5 JUNE 2016: ------clearer version of rough sketch, properly scanned in:

More Poisonality Stuff

I find out toomorrow if and when I am getting my main desktop computer back but in the meantime this photographing of tablet camera material is proving to be enough to keep the site going. These very basic roughs are the visual equivalent of a musician putting together a rudimentary demo tape of their latest song......going into the recording studio to hone and refine the basic elements are the musical equivalent of a cartoonist polishing a new image using elaborate Photoshop techniques. As I often make clear on here, creating  these basic roughs are the most fun part of making cartoons and they do not take very fact, drawing very quickly almost always results in improved and effective cartoonery. Robbo UPDATE:     4 June 2016 Within the complexities of installing a new desktop computer, the only real problem I encountered was my old [in computer terms] scanner/printer would not connect to my new machine due to outmoded drivers...........I thought I w...

Characterization Part 3

More personality- based imagery which I am veering towards moreso these days........this sort of stuff is a lot easier than having to come up with strong single gag images every single attempt....I will try and do a bit of both: gag-orientated as well as this personality based cartoon material. The two characters seen here of course are the two main suporting players from my B BOOMER concept......the ever-present statue of Liberty aka Libby and evergreen King Kong variant KOONG KING. This image is only slightly rude.... I have deliberately avoided real lechery and K K looks fairly bemused and innocent when confronted with the Statue's hithero unseen underapparrel. I still believe that personality based imagery like this can be just as effective and amusing than gag and idea orientated material. See my usual ploy of adding in miniscule characters to assist the sense of scale I desired. Robbo UPDATE, JUNE 4, 2016: new upgraded scan of cartoon added

Sexism-a-Go-Go. (3)

Here we see yet another excuse for me to put out a 'quite sexy' cartoon with another of my Statue of Liberty variants: Yes this is all quite chauvanistic material on my part but really I feel this imagery is fairly mild and restrained......the mammaries are deliberately done in different sizes just to add a bit of interest. Tezza Gilliam of Python Animation fame sometimes depicted mammaries like this, and I freely admit I lifted this approach to drawing female breasts directly from him....if I 'lift' a new way of drawing something from another artist I will freely admit to doing so.......unlike a few dodgy toonsmiths who lurk out there in cyberspace. Some of these folks can get their pink frillies in a twist at the slightest innocent remark they over -analyze and take all the wrong way. Robbo UPDATE   4 JUNE 2016:   new higher rez scan added

Characterization Part 2

Here is an example of the benefits which can be attained by creating your own original characters..... Once you get over the hurdle of coming up with good designs and strong-looking central characters (by far the most difficult obstacle to clear, following a Century of tried and tested cartoon creations from the pool of humanity) the good news is you can get away with a lot more once the characters become instantly recognizable and you are comfortable drawing them ( this normally takes a few hundred drawings of each individual character, before you reach this level): although quick sketches  alone are usually enough can knock out scores of these in a single day fairly easily....this is how I went about this: Anyway just take a look at the endless imagery seen in the media featuring Minnie Mouse, Snoopy and Bart Simpson etc......a lot of this graphic material is personality based, meaning if your characters look good and accomplished enough, you can get away with them j...

Unused Character Sheet

A quick character Model Sheet done recently to show a potential customer....some of these go nowhere but are fine for adding onto here.....this one is clearly inspired by the older Bugs Bunny Warners animations although none of my drawings are ever straight copies....I find it much easier drawing direct from imagination......whatever the quality of the end results. UPDATE, 5 June 2016: -----properly scanned-in version of the rough sketch:

Instant Sketch (3)

Another instant cartoon belted out quickly this week...a basic photo job taken with my tablet camera......check out that natural sunlight streaming in! This week's items are very much a Quantity over Quality Affair..........great fun drawing just using lo-tech methods, though. UPGRADED VERSION added on 5 June 2016:  I am keeping the original sun-drenched version in, though!  A dee-lite..........


I"ts difficult to believe that I have never bothered drawing cartoon zombies until the last couple of days........this subject just never came up and was never the sort of thing that especially appealled to me when left to my own devices. me....lack the class of more traditional Horror creations such as the Frankenstein Monster or Dracula.........most cartoon depictions I see of undead monsters look hackneyed and cliched.........the subject seems as overdone and over exposed as Superhero pastiches in my way of thinking......zombies, despite their undoubted potential for strong graphics, are in most cases too repetitive and samey to illicit much in the way of novelty. C9mputer Games serve up especially over-familiar zombie imagery.......I have seen this sort of thing far too many times to take a great deal of interest in doing anything quite similar. Unless, of course, can come up with an interesting new spin on the I have attempted to do in this sketch s...

Unused sketches

MY MAIN DESKTOP COMPUTER is currently in the tech shop for repairs and so I am down to my basic tablet. I want to keep the site updated fairly regularly and so here again I am resorting to my old trick of taking photos with my tablet camera and uploading them online. These seen below are recent sketches for a couple of jobs that never got off the drawing board......oh well, I at least learned how to draw Zombies......I cannot remember ever drawing this subject before. I am not a great zombie film fan to be honest but cartooning is all about trying out untested subjects of course. These first attempts at zombies are OK for first efforts but I would prefer to spend a bit of time on more elaborate versions.......yet another for my 'must do' list....... Cheers , Robbo.....I intend adding in moving film when I get my desktop hack....assuming it is worth repairing!

Maggie Thatcher's 'Fundies'

TO BE PERFECKLY HONEST, that last quick-time sketch I done of the Former Leader of Britain throughout the Tempesteous 1980s was great fun, so I have whipped up another serving : like the artwork on THE FLY, you can see how the artwork on 'new, unchartered territory' evolves and improves naturally over a few early attempts:  --and in this case, I actually did look through Google Images for a sense of 'greater accuracy' regarding the likenesses portrayed below. I am not really enough of a caricature enthusiast to spend a lot of time doing refined, polished imagery, though, and as a result these are deliberately kept fairly rough and raw. I personally prefer 'all-out' cartooning over the more disciplined approach required to get a good likeness of famous folks---I'm not knocking those who pursue this style of drawing, I'm just busy enough doing my other stuff. In all honesty, I can see the attraction in making fool of Public Figures using imaginitive drawin...

Maggie Thatcher's Starched Undies

SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT TODAY, readers..... -----I am always happy to try out 'new directions' and this one here is a spontaneous quickie just knocked out as a 'oner' this very day. MAGGIE THATCHERS' STARCHED UNDIES is my pet name for a pretty useless, insular and unhealthy 'specialist' cartoon forum run by  a handful of -----seemingly and apparantly, going by my own personal  experience of their  jaundiced,  sorry site------- CENSORED  who lorded it over this ultra-snobby concern* : a site  that  I used to be on, and an  institution  that is now reduced to the butt of some of my satirical least, on this site, anyway.  MAGGIE THATCHER, of course, was a strong Prime Minister of Britain from 1979-90, a controversial figure who was loved and despised by Millions in equal measure...I myself 'couldnae stand the bitch' [as if you ever doubted that, going by this less-than-flattering vision seen here.] ABOUT THIS DRAWING: I do not...


OVER THE NEXT FEW  BLOG ADDITIONS, I will be focusing on my characters and their 'personalities' as really, this is the most important facet of attaining success in this field: this is the sort of thing that can take years to 'master'...........looking at the really famous, well-known characters throughout Pop Culture History, it seems to be a case of effective characterization above all that ensures instant recognizability from Millions. 'Lick' this, and you got it made, Buster: -----MICKEY MOUSE/  Tom and Jerry/  Charlie Brown/Peanuts/  BUGS BUNNY/ Felix the Cat/ Dennis the Menace/ Bart Simpson:  these are the sort of properties I have in mind: characters and concepts that endure for decades, unlike the vast bulk of todays' 21st-Century equivalents: I keep up to date with most new developments regarding character design........however, I feel that too much of todays' design is striking and bizarre seemingly just for the sake of it: to me, this is fine ...