New Directions

Hiya Readers: sorry I have been totally off-line for a week: last week I got a brand new desktop but to be honest I have in recent times been so 'scunnered' with computers in general that I seriously considered packing in the internet altogether: I had no sound in my computer for 9 months, and some sites were practically un-view-able. I stopped watching TV [100 per cent] in 2003 [13 years ago at the time of writing] and I have never missed it so I am sure I could do the same with the internet...I am also one of the miniscule 7 per cent of the population who has never owned a mobile phone. However, the good news is I have my computer sound back at last, I obviously have a brand new hard-drive and this new computer I have is more modern and advanced and therefore speedier---so if it continues in this healthier vein, I may well stick with the internet...any more annoying problems and I will more than likely pack it all in permanently, though. The w...