Sexism A-Go-Go

I SELDOM BOTHER with caricatures: I do  them now and again, but only about a couple a year.

Part of the reason I avoid them is because 'bland' looking people are really hard to pinpoint in a cartoon drawing: obviously something instantly recognizable like Mr Spock or Oliver Hardy is a dawdle...but todays' media is saturated with featureless nobodies who are polluting the airwaves: the concept of fame has become so devalued that it is not really worth a great deal compared to how it used to be----well, that and I have no telly at home, and  I have long lost track with who is meant to be 'famous'.

However here is a real caricature I done of JOEY RAMONE from my punk-era youth days.

Thus far, I cannot locate the large version of the cartoon---it is on one of my storage discs somewhere------and I will upgrade it later if I find it.

Here are some other bits and bobs from this cartoon, though:  must admit drawing women is one of my favorite aspects of this lark.


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