Drawing already-famous characters, Part Two
The recent 2OOO AD character imagery I turned out last post has kick-started a desire in me once again to try out a couple of overtly-cartoon-styled efforts of famous characters, although I have kept these in a fairly rough , vital state. It is a long time since I even bothered to attempt this sort of thing: at one stage, I would have given my eye teeth to land a job doing 'ghostings' of established characters for D C Thomson and others as a route to regular cartoon work: today, I have completely lost interest on this score, I much prefer the freedom offered by taking over complete control over every aspect of my cartoons: ideas/character design/choice of colors etc etc. In the 80s I done a wee bit of work for UK comics publisher D C Thomson --certainly enough to get a flavor of this sort of work----and although I loved this invaluable experience at the time [being 'chucked in' at the deep end like this is by far the quickest way to learn this craft] I remember gettin...