Yay, 'Dolf!

As if I haven't got enough on my plate drawing-wise [I have a huge pile of black-and-white line drawings, which is boosted daily, all waiting to be colored in] I am kick-starting  yet another sub-theme, centered around that well-known chap who instigated the Bloodbath Known as World War Two.

I usually steer clear of doing caricatures of well-known people, mostly because I can only 'do' certain people, and also I never keep up with curent media trends [I no longer own a TV set] so I am really out of touch with who is meant to be 'famous' nowadays, but  surely most everyone is familiar with the evil phenomenon that was Adolph Hitler, so surely I can't go wrong drawing him, in terms of reconizability.

This cartoon was part of a larger composite that still remains unfinished, and has already been seen on the Wonderweb [or should that be 'Wunderweb'?] but hopefully this image will be 'new' for most readers [it dates from last Fall].

I had intended to also add a related sketch, but it came out good enough to draw up properly in full-color, so that is yet another one I hope to get around to eventually.


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