MASKIES ['kwikruff']

Last winter, I had an intensely creative time when I belted out non-stop quick rough cartoon sketches, and very enjoyable it was too------I never realized I had done quite so many until I went back to look through them recently.

Originally done for inclusion on a public forum, I still have a few of these unseen examples which I aim to upload/dump [depending on your point of view] onto here over the next few days.

Considering the sheer speed I knocked these out: ---just a few minutes each----they stand up fairly OK, there is a lot of vitality in these ruffs, which almost always gets lost during the later 'cleanup' period.

I have added a wee bit of color, and resized a couple of elements for clarity purposes, but I am deliberately keeping these fairly rough-looking, as that is all they were ever intended to be.

A couple more of these on the way, and these have certainly never been seen anywhere before.

I have stopped doing these quick roughs for the meantime.......I am in the middle of a load of quite polished stuff at the moment.

These are fine for bloggu-fodder between my best work examples, though.


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