WAR is STUPID, part six: Surely one of the longest-running, and seemingly endless themes within this cartoonized chaos is the anarchic and explosive WAR topic, which throws up a bottomless pit of potential themery for absurdist shenanigans: ------this entry JELLYTANK once again highlights the appalling outrage that is so synonomous with the maDness that is WAR. Why on Earth have I trotted out a combat tank entirely made out of jelly, you may well ask? Isn't that a bit, well, y'know, silly? ------well, if course this idea is more than silly: but it doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to work out that WAR itself is infinitely more mad and crazy: the thought of lobbing shells and bullets made out of gelatine is undoubtedly absurd, but the end result would surely end up with fewer fatalities if this method was taken up by Regimes and Governments, worldwide!
Showing posts from May, 2012
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SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: -------as outlined in the previous bulletin, a 'brand new' feature [ oh, all right, every Tom Dick and Harry is leaping onto this bandwagon these days!] is the 'behind-the scenes' turmoil behind these silly old cartoons, and perhaps of some interest to those genuinely interested in how these manic images are actually slung together------- -------this is actually more tantalizing and intruiging as it first appears, as these 'toons have changed fairly radically since the early pen-and-ink-only cavortings: after my first less than successful steps regarding digital embellishmens, I am now a total enthusiast regarding Photoshop-like applications, which I am using increasingly to enhance these here works. First up, APPENDIX ONE: the standard black-and-white line drawing, still done using pencil, and bottled ink with metal nibs: APPENDIX TWO: nowadays, I often include the use of composite elements, and here is my fairly standard 'overlay...
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RETURN of KOONG KING......... Yet another standard ingredient within the strip returns [for a hopefully welcome!] return airing, as the skulking, hulking giant ape known as KOONG KING stalks the sweltering city streets of old NOO YOIK, in his quest to provide secondary back-up light relief within the offbeat exploits of the BABY BOOMER shenanigans----- -----'Ole K.K. is really no more than a gargantuan 'stooge' character to the main 'star' players, the quartet who hopefully you will be familiar with by now......... -------The giant ape is a handy and reliable 'story device' I can fall back on repeatedly, as a seemingly never-ending series of visual outrage are offered up by his mere presence, with much more in this vein as yet unminted............also, a brand-new feature starting this issue, with never-seen-before supplementary material gracing the proceedings: