Hard-Drive Clear-Out:

BRAND-NEW wonders are most definitely on the way, readers, but firstly, I'm transferring existing stock onto the site before totally de-cluttering my hard-drive, which is over- weighed with 'historical artefacts'. THIS cartoon here has appeared on here before in black-and-white form, and here's the 'almost-finished' color version, which has appeared elsewhere, but not on here. I say 'almost finished' as it's still a bit rough around the edges, but rather than stick too slavishly to the past, it's high time to move onto brand-new drawings, and much of these are already in-progress. I'm just adding these 'also-ran' entries before they are consigned to History altogether: but rest assured, much new material is in the pipeline and will be on display here, very shortly. Thank you for your interest and co-operation! [P.S: the break I took recently was down to work commitments: I was very pleased to see a high 'visitor count' on he...