HERE'S A CARTOON directly inspired by a dream I had early last week: sometimes I'm lucky enough to actually realize that I am actually dreaming : once you have the ability to do this, the next stage is to take control of the events within the dream: you can lunge off a skyscraper, for example, safe in the knowledge that you can't get hurt! Better still, you can even take to the skies like Superman, and savour the surges and sights from a bird's-eye-view. Sometimes these dreams are so exhilerating, they don't last long [maybe just a few minutes], but what a few minutes! Some people are lucky enough to dream like this every single night, but I'm lucky if I can get a proper dream like this once a year....I've joined a site for 'lucid dreamers' [the term for those who can control the events in their dreams] so here's hoping I can attain this 'power' more frequently. Today's cartoon is a depiction of events in the lucid dream I had early l...