
Showing posts from January, 2018

OfficeToons in Continium

THESE TYPES OF WORKS turn up relatively frequently: office workers in search of one-off graphics required to illustrate their talks to the group. I often use these opportunities to capitalize upon my tastes for drawing female characters: I must have drawn thousands of pro-level ladies in my time, I never tire of this subject especially. These items had to be knocked out quickly, I recall, but the buyer seemed pleased with the results. MORE OT THESE LATER, they crop up a fair bit RAB L RAUSER

A Few of my Favorite Things [to draw]

HERE'S A CLOSER VERSION of one of the female characters I designed for the previous caricature featured on this site: I am adding it in because sometimes a lot of the detail gets lost in some of these more elaborate works, once the various elements get shrunken down and re-assembled/ I have never hidden the fact I LOVE drawing attractive young ladies, and I would be more than happy to pack every other subject in, and just stick to this theme exclusively. It's very easy to get carried away drawing sexy subjects, and restraint is most certainly required drawing up this theme, if the artists wants to avoid lurid sensationalism. More on RESTRAINT and how it can seperate the men from the boys later. ABOUT THIS DRAWING:  I am well aware the schoolgirls' shoes look a bit small for her feet but this one is a reference to how your feet swell later in the day: and also WHY she would want to remove her shoes. HOWZAT for attention to detail, readers!!!! I enjoy drawing MOST subjects, b...

Repeat Business [2]

2017 witnessed my richest harvest---thus far----of tailored caricature: this was work that just happened to come along and I keenly accepted it. I work from good clear photos to get a resonable facial likeness. This one is more than likely my most elaborate example of this type thus far:  the customer seemed pleased with it and more got ordered. VERY disciplined from my point of view: RAB L. RAUSER