Year Zero [TWO]

WHO or WHAT, then, absolutely--and actually----inspired me to take up cartooning at all in the first place; what was the real EUREKA! moment? WHEN was the actual moment that changed my life forever? Who or WHAT caused it?! --Well, I actually remember the moment very vividly---I was very young, very likely well under five years of age. WAS IT: D C THOMSON? -----Thomson have been an absolute huge inspiration to my cartoon syle and approach, especially the higher-grade [in general] output of the 60s decade. I do remember wishing 'I was Dudley D Watkins' and to create something like Oor Wullie on my own, but not so much now. I partly put down the heavy British 'funnies' comic-influence down to comics being the only cheap media availible to study cartoon art at leisure when I was very young: no VCRS until I was in my early 20s [for me anyway, bought with my first D C Thomson wage packet!] let alone the internet like today so it is now easy to study all forms...