
Showing posts from March, 2016

Hellscape 3 components

CARTOON IMAGERY ARCHIVE; ---I use this site as a back-up for some of my artwork [it's all kept seperately on disc, and not computer hard-drive, which can get wiped permanently any time] and here we see closer views of the artwork required for the previous drawing. The finished cartoon looked a bit overdone in the background stakes [while I was working on it] , however looking at the cartoon with a fresh eye it looks fine: the characters look clearer still when seen in isolation like this, though..... I prefer doing wholly seperate backgrounds, it is less cluttered working this way, though obviously there is usually  some tweaking needed to make sure the final composite 'reads' OK. One thing I have learned doing this, is that you can never make these backgrounds 'simple enough'. Finally we see the original rough sketch, which is where all the action is.......

Hellscape [3]

REALLY NICE to get back to something a bit more glossy-looking again, following the recent quick sketches: I'd love to do ALL the  finished cartoons I do  like this, but sadly, time constraints do not allow: I have loads of other interests in life other than just cartooning. I don't sit here all day at a I often make clear on here, I  have always found computers to be  pretty boring and prefer getting out into the real world. Anyway, I have discovered that if you do enough drawings of specific characters, eventually you will become so familiar and confident doing them, you can 'get away' with just basic cartoon poses, without a particular gag idea or punchline, as seen here. Just take a look at Scultz' cartoons especially: often in his greeting cards, posters etc of the Charlie Brown/Peanuts crowd:  in many examples, there is no real gag idea in there, it's often more personality-based which can still make for some great graphics......the same appr...

Yeaster Yabberings

TODAY'S Sketchual offering is a strictly festive affair, what with Easter Weekend being here-and-now-at-the-time-of-writing. Any similarities between the anthrorphosized egg-man [ Oompah, oompah, stick it up yer joompah!] and arch-snobby person  Tory Crimes* is purely deliberate....... Oh yes: Google Images was required here, in order to 'get' the Little Red Lion. Yes, it's technically copying--- 'sort of' cheating,  but it's very handy though and I use it now and again---ye can't beat pure imagination, though!! Minute details like the 'little red lion ' stamp seen on British eggs are extra work of course...but this is what cartooning is all about, I reckon...... * see previous postings and musings

P.R.A.T.S. of the C.C.B.C. [3]

MORE lame-duck satirical targeting. Below:   ------in reverse order, the various stages of production involved in assembling these images:  the vitality is most evident in the very early rough sketch, easily the best, most inventive, and enjoyable stage in making cartoons. Once you have this core material, the more soul-less [but extremely useful] process of altering and rescaling the characters ---after the imagery is put into the computer-------comes into play: it's a pretty sterile, inhuman process to be honest, but striking a good balance between creative rough drawing and more streamlined computerized applications is the modern trend, and I am now well used to drawing this way. The results are usually better using compu-tweaking,  although there is a lot more 'scuttering aboot' than in the older analog days. Computer-stuff takes LONGER!!!!! The final  composition seen  here is done more like in a magazine format, with much blank space clearly seen on view. ...

P R.A.T.S. of the C.C.B.C. [2]


Legend of 'Smokey' Gray

I have been intending to write this piece for a long, long time: basically it is a long-overdue overview of the first Industry Professional who encouraged my cartoon potential, and 'got me published' out there in the big, bad World: This is a tribute to long-term  D C Thomson Editor and comics writer   IAN GRAY [1938-2008] :  who fully deserves  appropriate recognition for his many British Comics Contributions. Introduction:    It is no secret that I regard the Cartoon Industry to be populated by the usual mix of decent and dodgy people, who make up  the remainder of Society: there is no doubt ---going by my personal experiences---------that the Toon 'Business' is exactly that: a cut-throat , selfish business bestalked by some very dodgy folks in a few cases, ranging from untrustworthy, blinkered Producers at Dreamworks Animation, or dubious-in-their-actions, self-centered people running Cartoon Forums, who I summize  are retarding the entire...

New York Stories [6]

AS FAR AS I KNOW, all the use-able, previously unseen quick sketches I knocked out in the USA just over a year ago have surfaced on this site [ previously seen---elsewhere---early FLY sketches are mooted to appear on here in 'upgraded' form when time allows]:  However, I am keen to continue with this NEW YORK STORIES sub-series, using newer material inspired by my trip to America. [ I love the History of cartooning in the USA, and  as the field of entertainment is one of their main Industries, they take cartooning a lot more seriously over there---here in the UK, cartooning is either dismissed as kids' stuff or is the last refuge of pretentious prats who count among a small minority of  professionals].  Anyway, in South Manhattan, the famous/infamous Wall Street area is of course typified by the vast bronze bull situated outside some of the skyscapers in the wheeling-and-dealing financial district. Seperate photos of myself indulging in a more 'naughty' well-known l...


Once again, we get a closer look at the various components used in putting together the recent BEANO-characters cartoon: the seperate images and different stages of production are seen below. I needed three individual  sheets of paper for this finished drawing: just bog-standard recycled , used paper that cost literally nothing....the paper was salvaged from a computer office, I still have loads of this  usable paper left. You DON'T need expensive gear to do this---see previous post entitled  MODERN LIFE IS RUBBISH for further details on this. Characters are copyright of D C Thomson and co Ltd, 2016