MMXV Year Overview

This dying year of 2015 has been one of extensive well as upheavel and turmoil. Here is a basic overview of my cartoon undertakings throughout this past 12 months, and looking back it has been a pretty creative time. JAN-MARCH 2015 : ---the year started off well enough, with me on extended holiday, beaming in a fresh gag [ in rough sketch form] into a UK Cartoon Forum: it was only about one sketch per day, but it seemed a lot more for some reason: it was during this period I came up with THE FLY and MEDIEVEL WORLDES, both of which have moved on to 'polished glory'. The fun stopped abruptly, however, when those utter spoilsports banned me for Life from their forum. [ details of this farce can be viewed on the Unseen CCGB Forum Cartoon and CCGB Public Forum Ban postings from March 2015, on this site] . I asked the Mods to remove all my posts and drawings from their site, but as far as I know, they are still on there, on a thread t...