
Showing posts from February, 2013

Six weeks too late-----Christmas Winterland

It's de-clogging the Hard Drive once, again, chuckies, and so before these cartoons are transferred onto shiney disk, I might as well parade 'em on here: this was a fairly recent job that came out of the blue [it happens more often than you might imagine] and had to be done pretty quickly. No sweat------digital techniques means, of course, that many of the same elements can be rearranged and reused ---most notably here, in the use of the same background 'plate'. There should be enough to look at here, so none of the usual 'supplementary material' in order to avoid the dreaded barrel-scraping...... this was a Christmas Ad campaign for an Electrical Repair Company, ECS.

Script from the Crypt

A one-off entry, in which we  witness an illustration for a film-script I co-wrote with an associate 10 years ago; it was a rambling sci-fi fantasy, culling elements from 1960s  TV Avengers, Blade Runner, Back to the Future,  etc, etc......the heroine was clearly inspired by the vision of Emma Peel/Diana Rigg. Great fun writing a script, but I would only attempt it again if I was paid upfront next any producers actually read many of these scripts, I wonder? below: the usual supplementary item: