A NEW DIRECTION for the BABY BOOMER strip, and a brand new experimental format in this 'widescreen' piece, that gets it's first proper public airing on this site today. Transporting the four central characters back to Medievel days [it's more than likely just a one-off, maybe a dream sequence or something] was a refreshing change, and the fact that I have at last 'conquered' the use of LAYERS in digital color-artwork is finally paying dividends and reaping rewards-----the very early days of digi-color was a bit of a struggle if truth be told, but my perseverence has paid off in the long run, and all future color efforts should be more satisfactory. The use of layers is a real boon and benefit, [early on, everything was colored on one layer, and while it's possible, it's far from ideal.] The use of widesceen imagery sure gives the strip a 'cinematic' look, and further probings within this field are more than feasible. ENJOI!